The Academy of American Poets

The Academy of American poets is an organization dedicated to promoting the art of poetry. This sight includes profiles of poets, a selection of literary links, and resources for teachers.


American Verse Project

The American Verse Project at the University of Michigan has an extensive collection of texts by American poets, and provides students with a variety of ways to search its database.


BBC Arts: Poetry Out Loud

Poetry Out Loud is maintained by the British Broadcasting Corporation. It includes archived files of poets performing their own work.


Bartleby—Verse: Poetry Anthologies and Thousands of Poems

Bartleby has a large selection of classic texts online. This link goes directly to the page related to poetry.


British Poetry 1780-1910: A Hypertext Archive of Scholarly Editions

British Poetry 1780-1910: A Hypertext Archive of Scholarly Editions is maintained by the Electronic Text Center at the University of Virginia. It also includes texts from outside the indicated time frame.


Connecting with Seamus Heaney

David Fawbert, an award winning former Modern Language teacher in Secondary Education in the UK has created a compilation of HeaneyÕs texts and a set approach to the content and style of the poems.  He has posted additional resources for students who join in his appreciation of connecting with the works of Seamus Heaney.


Favorite Poem Project

The Favorite Poem Project was founded by past Poet Laureate, Robert Pinsky. The site includes videos of average Americans reading poems they love, as well as lists of resources for teachers and communities.


Internet Poetry Archive

Sponsored by the University of North Carolina Press and the North Carolina Arts Council, The Internet Poetry Archive has texts and readings by some of the most prominent contemporary poets.


The Internet Public Library2 Literary Criticism Collection

The ipl2 Literary Criticism Collection contains critical and biographical websites about authors and their works that can be browsed by author, by title, or by nationality and literary period.  This site includes glossaries!


Literary Criticism on the Internet

A selective list of literary criticism maintained by Jan Pridmore, favoring signed articles by recognized scholars and articles published in peer-reviewed sources.  The Internet Public Library ranks this site very highly.  Among those poets indexed here is Seamus Heaney.


Modern American Poetry

Modern American Poetry includes biographies and criticism of 161 of the most prominent American poets of the modern period. It also includes pages with sample course syllabi and links to poetry publishers.


NewsHour Extra: Poetry

The PBS program The News Hour with Jim Lehrer maintains this site, which includes accessible introductions to the art of poetry, resources for teachers, and a selection of helpful links.


The New York Times Archives on Seamus Heaney

News about Seamus Heaney, including commentary and archival articles published in The New York Times.


Poetry Daily

This site posts a new poem each day. In addition, it maintains an archive of past postings and provides links to essays and reviews dealing with literary news and criticism.


Poetry International Web

This site allows students to see and hear poets from a variety of countries reading their own work. It also includes critical essays on some of the poets and on poetry in general.  Site includes native languages as well as English translations.


The Poetry Kit

A major poetry writers resource site with listings including publishers, competitions, courses, funding, events, festivals and magazine listings. A Who's Who in Poetry and a listing of blogs and poets on the internet are features.  Poetry Kit is also the home of the internet based "Poetry Kit Magazine" and a monthly newsletter of competitions and events round the world.


The Poetry and Literature Center of the Library of Congress

The Poetry and Literature Center of the Library of Congress includes information on the Poet Laureate, a schedule of readings and links to cybercasts of poets reading and discussing their work.


Poetry Magic

Poetry Magic is resource centre for the theory and craft of writing poetry and offers an introduction to poetry for students, amateurs and poetry lovers.  In addition to a page on ÒWhat is poetry?Ó the site also includes guides to imagery, rhythm, and word choice.  The Advanced section of the site map links the user to philosophers on the aesthetics of poetry as well as to poetry and emotion in science and psychology.  This is an excellent site for ToK students exploring Art as an area of knowledge!  The Language A1 IB student will find brief literary theory and criticism sections.


Poetry Portal

Poetry Portal is a directory of worldwide poetry online.  Listings include poetry events, poetry courses, ezines, poetry sites, audio poetry, literary appreciation, criticism and reviews, poetry courses, workshops, conferences, book news, literary chit-chat and trade news, plus sources to improve poetry writing and publishing.


Representative Poetry Online

The library of the University of Toronto maintains this site which includes some of the best-known poems in English. Students can search by poem, poet or time period. The site also includes a section dedicated specifically to Canadian poetry.


UC Davis: British Women Romantic Poets Project

British Women Romantic Poets is maintained by the Shields Library at the University of California, Davis. The site houses texts by a wide variety of women authors and useful links to other web sites.


The World Poetry Audio Library

This site includes audio files of a number of important poems, although they are not read by the poets themselves.



Compiled by Sue Brown. Descriptions adapted from sites' self description and search engine references. Last updated 10/13/13.